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来源:www.jyjxltzzs.net 2019-2-28 19:59:25      点击:

孙尚宏 牛宽



中图分类号:G642.41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2018)48-0188-02

Abstract:The analysis of amplifier circuit simulation is the main teaching content in the course of electronic technology,single transistor common emitter amplifier circuit is the first amplifying circuit in the course of contact,is the most simple and the most basic amplifying circuit,the circuit characteristic and analysis method of teaching is the key contents. In the teaching of circuit parameters and simulation waveform generated by the Multisim software can help students understand and master the theory of teaching content,and lay the foundation for the experimental teaching,and overcome the experimental conditions by time,place restrictions and equipment difficulties.

Key words:Multisim simulation;single tube common shot amplifier circuit;theory teaching;experimental teaching